Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Thoughts: Dots to Dots

The brain of  human beings has endowements like wisdom , intellect and speech that allows us to unwind the faculties of our mind  to use for our benefit and  face any kind of obstacles and fight, in life threatening situations to achieve greater success. For this, an adult person uses his senses and understanding, physical , mental prowess continuously to evolve.  Similarly, a child has all the potential to make use of this ability of learning gradually  all through her life so as to grow in this world with her own  intrinsic  qualities to make a mark in the world. Inculcating  good habits in any child in early childhood years  paves way for a progressive future.  So, providing a conducive atmosphere with careful nurturing in  early years of  childhood is a task taking  tremendous amount of energy and care. The society and family gives ample opportunities around to  the child to learn from and imbibe life lessons. This forms foundation in early years for a  better future. For a child to develop a  better understanding of worldly view requires a conditioning of mind  with appropriate thinking ability consciously cultivated and refined over a period of time . So the habits formed in a child mould  her  in later years to develop a 'stable persona'. The habits are formed with a belief system rooted deep in the immediate environment  and within individual family system affecting directly on us.  The  society in changing times has seen changes in value system in this modern era. The culture and tradition of place where a child grows in plays a very important role in reinforcement  of the beliefs she is exposed to. For children to really progress on the path of freedom of thoughts and action leading to the strong and stable future , the thinking needs to be developed at a deeper level to have a better sense of judgement of right or wrong and have the opinion  expressed. A child faces a lot of challenges in her daily life,  be it from any strata, urban or rural background etc. It is necessary for her to have a lasting faith in a person with a strong character infused with positivity and valour. If a child in her growing years is fortunate to have been surrounded by people of multi - talents,  with such exemplary examples around, it works wonders and develop her into a great human being with positive traits;  nullifying the negative situations around and creating a niche for herself and reach  greater heights of self realisation and success.

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